Wednesday, July 13, 2011

He Wears, She Wears

The universe may have conspired for the two of my friends to have worn almost the same outfit during the same day during our retreat. They were so cute! You be the judge. (:

*Photo credits to Miggo Mejico (Vitto) and RJ Naguit, as labelled. The blurred and unlabelled photos were my epic fail shots. Saarrreeehh!

This is Miggo (Vitto), the official photographer of the shoot.

Monica, one of the main model of the shoot. The bag adds the nicest touch of color to the white and blue.

Here's a better view of her shirt and shoes.

Their outfits were comprised of a striped crisp shirt, tailor-folded acid wash jeans and red shoes. The whole look's just very hip, trendy and casual. It's very, err, "nondrogenous" (unisex) as I henceforth shall call it. Hah!

Photos taken from the back. Don't their outfits just look SOOO identical?

Their red shoes were a bold, dramatic touch to the almost monochrome outfit and really made the whole look stand out.

I just loved how they looked together! Another fun, fresh feast for the fashion eyes!

Plain Pastels

I just loved the colors during our instant photo shoot during our retreat in Caleruega. This is a short tribute to the lovely pastel plains two of my friends wore.

*Photo credits to Miggo Vittorio Mejico (Vitto), another friend of ours.

This is my lovely friend, Kariza Naguit, sporting a perfectly fitted beautiful red tee. The necklace breaks the dullness and adds the subtlest yet glam touch. Of course the acid wash jeans and flats compliment the plainness of the tee. Notice the nails? They're "MnM blue" Faceshop polish, again, a nice touch to the whole look.
(BTW, that's a cameo of myself in the monochrome stripes and the rest of our friends in the background. Teehee! )

Coincidentally, this dashing guy and co-blogger, RJ Naguit or BoyAcads/The R, sported this soft blue fitted shirt. Perfectly suiting his body type, this shirt is surely a staple in the wardrobe. It's fun, fresh and very versatile for casual occasions.

And this is a photo of them together. Don't they just go lovely? (Fun fact though, however lovely they go together, they're cousins; hence, the same last names. But the on-screen chemistry's definitely there. Haha!) They were definitely a refreshing feast for the eyes. Kudos! (:

More on our hilltop fashion soon! (: